Saturday, May 31, 2008

"...mais il faut cultiver notre jardin."

This was a dirt-intensive day. Expanded the herb garden, planted some veg, thought for a while I'd blown the transfer case on the Jeep, but it was only a matter of a rusty shift linkage — after a quarter-million miles of mud and snow, the poor old thing is entitled to its eccentricities — and with a bit of gentle persuasion (while, of course, lying on my back in the dirt), I was able to coax it back into two-wheel-drive mode and get it moving again.

About a half-ton into the garden project, though, a thought suddenly struck me:

photo: bag of top soil

Ready to use dirt? What other kind of dirt is there? I mean, do they sell dirt that you have to mix with egg yolks or thaw in the microwave or something?

And right about that time is when the tornado warning sirens went off — again — and the lightning and high winds started up, and I had to dash inside to shut down all the computer stuff, so the mystery remains unsolved. But I'm still left wondering:

Ready to use dirt?